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Cloud Computing and Artifical Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence

Is cloud computing, plus artificial intelligence really the future of the digital market? Is artificial intelligence that has been explored until now, just the tip of the iceberg?

Well, to answer many of such questions, we went on to research all that AI boom that is set to bring in 2020 and ahead!

So, firstly let’s understand what exactly is AI and cloud computing, and why it’s going to be an absolute game changer for the digital marketing industry?

In the simplest way, cloud computing can be defined as the collective deliverance of computing services, which are inclusive of servers, databases, networking, etc. It provides you with all of these at one juncture, that is, the Internet. It facilitates faster communication, innovative reach, economic ease of operations. So, all you have to do is incur costs on cloud operations; the rest of the things like operating costs and infrastructure costs are no more the issues you would worry about. It further helps you manage things on a broader base in a much more effective and efficient way.

Now, it’s time we ponder another talk of the town: Artificial Intelligence, what is it, and why it has become recurrent on every techie’s mouth in the past decade.

According to Minsky and McCarthy – ”Artificial Intelligence refers to any task performed by a program or a machine, using capabilities simil that if a human carried out the same activity, we would say the human had to apply intelligence to achieve the same.”


Form of AI currently in use


There are different levels of AI, though what we know is a mixture of two.

  1. 1. The first level is what we call Artificial Superior Intelligence, i.e. ASI.
  2. 2. The second one is Artificial General Intelligence (AGI).
  3. 3. The last and the third is Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI).

This third level is mainly concerned with human intelligence, and is in the current trend, lies somewhere amid AGI and ANI.

AI is built in a way that reads human behavior patterns and hence applies the same to deliver the most effective results.

Having understood the terms well, let us understand how cloud computing will be a melting pot for artificial intelligence.


Benefits of AI in Cloud Computing


  1. 1. Transformation of IT infra: Big data has proved to be a boon for big organizations recently. Its potential was initially realized by them only. Though easy, it is not as easy to work upon. There are several innovative techniques that big data brings in the picture. To reckon some of them, we have ease of operations, consumer behavioral pattern, managerial improvisations, etc. Some big companies are already exhibiting immense quality product deliverance through big data. For instance, one can see Walmart that has improved its service quality through the search engine and text assessment.
  2. 2. Data Access: Given the omnipresence and scope of big data, companies have to employ it in their business operations for sure. But having said that, one needs well-qualified operators to operate it. This need allows the companies to have a new career and vacancies for the newer generation. If one aims to opt for that, it has to be a well-polished skill, because as good as this innovation, it needs to handled responsibly. These days, there is an immense vacancy for data scientists, as big data has minimal reach in terms of degree till now. And as far as economics is concerned, the lesser the supply, the more the demand. Hence, data scientist skills as a career is currently an extremely high payee job. According to Harvard Business School-” Data Scientist is the best job of the century”.
  3. 3. Data Mining Apps: Big data, as the name suggests, seems mainly concerned with business operations and IT branches, but it’s not all about that. The way pattern tracing of big data operates for business, the same way it can be productive enough for health operators. It can be used to provide custom-tailored solutions to patients by having fed their previous data as well as the pattern of such data for the patients globally. Also, customers can be pin-pointed by health managers in a short time. This quick diagnosis is going to be of great help to patients worldwide. Along with quality, it shall also work on creating efficient results rapidly.
  4. 4. Analytical Boost: As quantitative, as the terms seem to increase sales numbers, it is qualitative enough too. Social data scientists argue that it can be of significant relief for poverty alleviation. Some of the factors that the developed nations have already employed for poverty alleviation can be received through big data. These factors include, but not restricted to, data reading from well off countries, educational prospects, the talent pool in small nations, financial service centers throughout the world, etc. It can be a solid bridge to connect the consumers and providers. By constant analysis of poverty alleviation results across the globe, one can employ the same strategies and tactics to bring other developing nations out of poverty. It can also make such nations fight off corrupt people and hence, create enough space for the less fortunate to enjoy their resources.
  5. 5. Cloud Security: Having a business is something that comes with an immense risk of data leakage and other such security issues. One has to exert 24/7 measures to have the security of their business boosted. Every year we hear a zillion cases of a data breach for different companies done by hackers or their employees. So, the risk is real! But with the advent of big data into the current market, these issues seem to have been resolved, with minimum damage done.

Alongside, law enforcement is sure to benefit from big data. If a company wants to punish it’s hackers, big data will be of great help to catch hold of such people. These days, various agencies have already employed big data analytics for law enforcement, and the results are exemplary. There is a steep rise in the deterioration of burglary trends in certain areas. Earlier, big data used to be a great data complication for many. Still, with the rising number of users, it has become quite a sorted field as now it is easy for AI to read and comprehend the ongoing behavioral patterns.

These are some reasons why the current global business trend is observing an AI boom in cloud computing and finding it worthy.

For more such informative articles, do stay tuned withOxtrys!

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