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MyHost Academy

مقارنة أنواع الاستضافة: مشتركة، سحابية، VPS والخوادم الكاملة

تعرّف على أنواع خدمات استضافة مواقع الويب المختلفة والفروقات بينها في هذا الدرس من دروس موقع ماى هوست الاستضافة. في هذا الدرس نشرح الاستضافة المشتركة واستضافة ووردبريس والاستضافة والسحابية واستضافة VPS والسيرفرات الخاصة Dedicated Servers واستضافة الموقع المشترك أو الاستضافة المكانية Colocation Hosting والفروقات بينهم بالتفصيل.

إذا كنت لا تعرف، يوجد أكثر من نوع من أنواع استضافة مواقع الإنترنت وليس نوع واحد فقط. ومن أساسيات استضافة المواقع التي يجب أن يكون عندك معرفة بها هي هذه الأنواع.
والسبب وراء ذلك هو أن أنواع الاستضافة تختلف باختلاف استخدام كل نوع منهم وقوته وسعره وصعوبة الإدارة وبنية كل نوع من الأنواع.

في هذا الدرس من دروس ...

MyHost Academy

إختيار أفضل لوحة تحكّم لاستضافة: CyberPanel مقارنةً بـ cPanel

كل من الطّيف الرّقمي والنّقاش حَول لوحة إستضافة المواقع المثالية في حالة تغير مستمر. فتشمل ساحات النقاش cPanel و CyberPanel، وهما لوحتا تحكم قويتان تتمتعان بمزايا فريدة. الشيء التالي الذي يجب مراعاته هو طريقة إختلافهما عن بعضهما البعض. عندما تقارن CyberPanel مقارنةً بـ cPanel، سترى بسرعة الإختلافات بين هاتين اللوحتين ذواتي الوزن الثقيل في هذا المجال.
لو كُنت تحاول أن تختار بين CyberPanel مقارنةً بـ cPanel، ستوجهك هذه المقالة إلى كل الإختلافات الرئيسية حتى تتمكن من الإختيار بعناية. ها نحن أولاء!

CyberPanel: معلومات أساسية لك!
لإدارة عمليات إستضافة المواقع، يَستخدم المرء واجهة تَشبه الشّبكة العصبية. عندما يتعلق الأمر بلوحات التحكم المتطورة لمُضيفي ...

MyHost Academy

Explanation of what is Shared Hosting? And who uses it

Shared web hosting is the most widely used type of hosting and is considered the cheapest and most user-friendly web hosting service. In this Best Hosting lesson, we'll explain what Shared Web Hosting is and how it works in detail and without complications. We will also share with you some factors that will help you buy the best shared web hosting easily and at the lowest possible price.
Shared hosting is one of the most common and used website hosting products and services in which server resources are shared between several accounts or users of the hosting service.
Just as resources are shared, so are financial costs, ...

MyHost Academy

How to display the time according to your WordPress blog in the Admin bar

Want to show the time in the admin bar according to your WordPress blog?
In this article, we will show you how to display the time according to your WordPress in the Admin bar.

Why is it important to display your server time in the Admin bar?
When it comes to scheduling blog posts on your WordPress site, it's a good idea to schedule them according to the time your WordPress server shows. It is really useful if you have time-sensitive posts such as news or announcements.
However, if your site's server time is different from your time zone, your content will be published at a ...

MyHost Academy

What is Web Cache? And what is its importance?

What does the term caching mean?

Website caching [Web Cache] is one of the most useful technologies available; in short, it makes websites extremely fast by saving the most important material on the web page, which leads to a noticeable improvement in search engine results and increased user satisfaction with the site – as well as faster navigation between site pages and thus increased income if you sell products or services online.
In this article via the site MYHOST, I will tell you everything about caching websites, what is Web Cache?, why is it so important, and how to implement it on WordPress sites. Let's ...

MyHost Academy

Cloud-Based Server Costs: Factors, Considerations, and Optimization Strategies

Businesses are increasingly relying on cloud-based servers to host their applications and store their data. Cloud computing offers numerous benefits, including scalability, flexibility, and cost-efficiency. However, it’s essential for businesses to understand the factors that influence cloud-based server costs in order to make informed decisions and optimize their expenses. In this article, we will delve into the key factors influencing cloud-based server costs, considerations when estimating these costs, and strategies to optimize and minimize expenses. Let’s explore these topics in detail below.
Factors Influencing Cloud-based Server Costs
In order to understand cloud-based server cost, businesses must consider various factors that impact these expenses. ...

MyHost Academy

What is a Data Center? (Detailed explanation)

Data Center Data Center explained in detail by MYHOST of Hosting website experts specializing in web hosting and servers in detail. In this hosting lesson, you will also learn about the importance of data center, its uses, examples of companies that own data center, in addition to the most prominent components of the main data center, and more.

Do you know what a data center is?
In this lesson, which follows the series of lessons on the basics of web hosting, the team explains the MYHOST of Hosting website «Data Center» in detail, its most prominent components, the importance of Data ...

MyHost Academy

Is there really unlimited hosting?

A lot of website hosting and server hosting companies say that they offer unlimited resource hosting service. Is this claim true or is it for marketing purposes only? In this lesson, the MYHOST of Hosting team will explain the reality of Unlimited Web Hosting and whether it really exists or not in detail!
Have you ever heard of the term "unlimited hosting"?
In this lesson of the basics of web hosting, we will take a more comprehensive look at unlimited hosting and is it a real thing or is it a marketing lie from web hosting companies?

We often meet the term "unlimited hosting" ...

MyHost Academy

What is a server? Defining the server and explaining the parts and types of servers

Do you want to know what a server is, its types, components and uses? You are in the right place!
All websites and web applications run on computers of a special type called a web server or web server.
In this lesson, you will find an explanation of what a server is and what a Web Server is meant in detail from the team of the MYHOST of Hosting. In this comprehensive explanation, learn about the components of a web server, its different uses, and the types of servers. We will also explain to you how the server works, how it performs its ...

MyHost Academy

What is Reseller Hosting? Reseller Hosting explained in detail

By using Ressler Web Hosting, you can create your own web hosting company by reselling the hosting services of a global web host. In this lesson, the MYHOST of Hosting website team explains Reseller Web Hosting and how it works in detail.

Web Hosting Reseller is one of the many hosting services offered by web hosting companies. The word Reseller means "distributor" in Arabic, and from the meaning of the word you can know that the reseller means that you are distributing a hosting service.

So what is Ressler Hosting, how does it work, and how can you benefit from it? In this article I will ...

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