الفرق بين سيرفر VPS والخادم الخاص: كيف تختار أفضل سيرفر؟
على الرغم من أن الاستضافة المشتركة تناسب أغلب المواقع الإلكترونية الصغيرة والمتوسطة إلا أن بعض مواقع الويب تحتاج إلى سيرفر ويب أو إلى بعض مزاياه.. ولذلك نشأت استضافة VPS أو الخوادم الافتراضية الخاصة التي تتضمّن بعض مزايا الخوادم الكاملة وبعض مزايا الاستضافة المشتركة Shared Hosting. لكن متى يحتاج موقعك إلى سيرفر VPS ومتى يحتاج إلى سيرفر ويب خاص Dedicated Web Server؟ هذا ما سيساعدك موقع أفضل ماى هوست على معرفته في هذه الصفحة!
هل ترغب في شراء سيرفر لموقعك أو مشروعك؟
يوجد نوعان رئيسيان من خوادم الويب هما السيرفر الافتراضي الخاص والسيرفر الخاص.. وليس من السهل الاختيار بينهما، لذلك قام ...
مقارنة أنواع استضافة مواقع الويب المدفوعة (المميزات والعيوب)
تختلف احتياجات مواقع الويب وأصحابها بصورة كبيرة ولا يمكن لخدمة استضافة ويب واحدة أن تلبّي احتياجات كل المواقع الإلكترونية. وكنتيجة لذلك ظهرت العديد من خدمات استضافة الويب مثل الاستضافة المشتركة وسيرفرات VPS واستضافة ووردبريس والسيرفرات المخصصة والاستضافة السحابية وغيرهم. وفي هذا الدرس من دروس الاستضافة سنطلعك على أكثر خدمات استضافة المواقع المدفوعة استخدامًا والفروقات بينها ومزايا وعيوب كل خدمة استضافة ويب بالتفصيل.
هل تعرف أنه يوجد عدة أنواع من خدمات استضافة الويب؟
إذا كانت إجابتك بنعم،
هل تعرف جميع أنواع الاستضافة؟
هناك اعتقاد سائد لدى المبتدئين بأن هناك نوع واحد فقط من استضافة المواقع الإلكترونية، لكن هذا الاعتقاد ليس صحيحًا، إذ توجد العديد ...
What is a WordPress theme framework? And what are the pros and cons.
Wondering what a WordPress theme framework is and whether you should use it?
WordPress theme frameworks help developers create beautiful sub-themes more quickly. However, they come with their advantages and disadvantages that you may want to consider.
In this article, we will explain exactly what the WordPress theme framework is. We'll also explain the different types of theme frameworks, and address the pros and cons of using them.
What is a WordPress theme framework?
The WordPress theme framework framework is a kind of "main theme". It includes the basic functions of the theme, but not the design. The theme framework must be installed using a "subtheme", which ...
Is there really unlimited hosting?
A lot of website hosting and server hosting companies say that they offer unlimited resource hosting service. Is this claim true or is it for marketing purposes only? In this lesson, the MYHOST of Hosting team will explain the reality of Unlimited Web Hosting and whether it really exists or not in detail!
Have you ever heard of the term "unlimited hosting"?
In this lesson of the basics of web hosting, we will take a more comprehensive look at unlimited hosting and is it a real thing or is it a marketing lie from web hosting companies?
We often meet the term "unlimited hosting" ...
Explanation of the Domain Name System: What is DNS and what are its benefits and uses?
Explain the Domain Name System in detail, what DNS is, its benefits and uses with pictures. In addition, the hosting myhost's team explained how DNS works and its relationship to the IP address and domain name of the site. Domain: Domain Name in detail and easy.
Have you ever heard of a DNS server or DNS server?
In this lesson from the Basics of Web Hosting Basics series, the team of the myhost of Hosting explains the domain name system, what is DNS, and what are its benefits and uses?
In a detailed and simplified way, you will be able to understand how the DNS ...
Speed up a website: 10 proven ways to increase website speed!
Site visitors are used to reaching what they want with the click of a button. And the slowness of your website will lead to a decrease in its profits and direct visitors to your competitors' sites if they are faster than your site. But have you ever wondered why websites load so slow and how to improve your website speed? There are many reasons that lead to the slowness of the website and with their solution you will be able to increase the speed of the website. Below, the MYHOST of Hosting team will walk you through effective ways to easily speed up ...
Get Two Free Domains with Our Web Hosting Plans
The New Year is the time for setting new resolutions and goals. Already started working on your resolution? That’s great!
Some of you might have planned for starting your new business online or maybe taking your existing business online. Here’s a great deal on web hosting for them.
We are offering exclusive deals on our web hosting plans. Now get 2 free domains on our web hosting plans. This includes one .com domain and one .online domain. If you register a .com domain with our web hosting plan, you will get the same version of your domain with a .online extension.
Deals in Details
Deal ...
Web Hosting: What is Hosting and Its Types? (In Detail)
Every website needs a web hosting to be its home. In this lesson, the Best Hosting team will explain to you in detail what web hosting is, its different types, and how hosting works. In addition, we will explain to you how to choose the best web hosting for your project or website easily and at the lowest possible price.
most important technologies invented by humanity.
It is considered one of the main components of the Internet and without it, there would not be this huge number of websites.
Modern technology has affected many areas, even radically affecting daily habits and routines, ...
Beyond the buzzwords: Bernard Meyer and WordPress’ marketing approach
Bernard Meyer’s life revolves a lot around messages – he loves to spend his free time reading, works as the Senior Director of Communications & Creative at Omnisend, and contributes to the WordPress Marketing team.
Now serving as the Marketing Team Representative at the WordPress open-source project, Bernard brings a wealth of experience to the table. Recently, the team shifted their focus from traditional news amplification to Media Corps, an initiative that fosters a more informed community and audience that will eventually contribute to WordPress’ growth.
Let’s explore how Bernard channels his marketing expertise to make a significant impact on the WordPress ecosystem.
Behind ...