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MYHOST - Hosting solutions

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MyHost Academy

Cloudflare explained: what is Cloudflare and its advantages? And how to use it for free

Millions of websites use Cloudflair, including MYHOST's website. On this page, we will share with you what Cloudflare is and the services offered by Cloudflare in detail. We will also walk you through the pricing mechanism in Cloudflare and its various plans and how to use Cloudflare for free for your website using the free Cloudflare plan, which comes with many powerful features to protect sites and improve their performance.
Have you ever heard the name Cloudflare?
In this lesson from the MYHOST of Hosting, we will introduce you to Cloudflare and its services and how to help you protect your site, ...

MyHost Academy

How to disable all WordPress plugins

How to disable all WordPress plugins

Sometimes a problem may occur in a specific WordPress template, which leads us to stop all add-ons in this lesson, we will explain that
Stop additions from the CB panel
1- We enter the CB panel
With name changed to your site name
2- We go to the file block as in the picture, then we click on File Manager

3- We click on public_html

4- We go to wp-content/plugins, we will find all the add-ons we have inside
Volumes as in the following picture:

5- To stop any of these additions, we change their name only or we put a specific number
Next to the name of ...

MyHost Academy

Make the site’s homepage the store in WP+ WooCommerce

Normally you have a home page for the site + a page for the store as in the following image

Now from the Reading settings, choose the store as the main page as in the picture

Now you have the home page is the store


MyHost Academy

Speed up a website: 10 proven ways to increase website speed!

Site visitors are used to reaching what they want with the click of a button. And the slowness of your website will lead to a decrease in its profits and direct visitors to your competitors' sites if they are faster than your site. But have you ever wondered why websites load so slow and how to improve your website speed? There are many reasons that lead to the slowness of the website and with their solution you will be able to increase the speed of the website. Below, the MYHOST of Hosting team will walk you through effective ways to easily speed up ...

MyHost Academy

Domain Dictionary: Explanation of Domain Terms, Internet Protocols, and Networks

Learn about the meanings of terms and words related to the domain name industry with a simple and easy explanation from the MYHOST of Hosting site team on this page that contains the domain dictionary.
This Domain Glossary contains the most famous terms related to the domain, its types and components, in addition to computer network protocols and Internet protocols, and you can see the meanings and definitions of all of this in this dictionary, which the team of the MYHOSTof Hosting updates continuously and adds more domain terms, Internet charters and networks periodically.
Are you looking for the meaning ...

MyHost Academy

What is a server? Defining the server and explaining the parts and types of servers⭐️

Do you want to know what a server is, its types, components and uses? You are in the right place!
All websites and web applications run on computers of a special type called a web server or web server.
In this lesson, you will find an explanation of what a server is and what a Web Server is meant in detail from the team of the MYHOST of Hosting. In this comprehensive explanation, learn about the components of a web server, its different uses, and the types of servers. We will also explain to you how the server works, how it performs its task in ...

MyHost Academy

How to Choose the Best Web Hosting for Your Website in 2024

MYHOST's Hosting Guide to Avoiding Choosing Bad Web Hosting for Your Website Step by Step!
Want to know how you can choose to host a good website for the site you are going to create or for your current site?
In this guide, the MYHOST of Hosting will walk with you step by step in choosing the optimal hosting for your site or project... Let's get started!
Do you want to choose the best web hosting?
The web hosting provider you choose for your site is a partner in your online project, and choosing a good web hosting is crucial to the success and continuity ...

MyHost Academy

The Most Common SEO Mistakes That Even Experts Make

There are many qualities that every SEO specialist must possess in order to be successful in this field and avoid SEO mistakes, but one of the most important of these qualities is continuous learning and following up on updates . Gaining more experience in SEO is not just from reading articles. In fact, the best way to gain more experience is to experiment and fail many times until you learn the right strategy that brings good results.

However, when it comes to SEO, you can make a mistake without anyone noticing. You may not even know that you are doing something wrong. There are ...

MyHost Academy

Get Two Free Domains with Our Web Hosting Plans

The New Year is the time for setting new resolutions and goals. Already started working on your resolution? That’s great!

Some of you might have planned for starting your new business online or maybe taking your existing business online. Here’s a great deal on web hosting for them.

We are offering exclusive deals on our web hosting plans. Now get 2 free domains on our web hosting plans. This includes one .com domain and one .online domain. If you register a .com domain with our web hosting plan, you will get the same version of your domain with a .online extension.
Deals in Details

Deal ...

MyHost Academy

What is WHM? A Beginner’s Guide

Planning to become a web host reseller? Do you have the right administrative tools? If you don’t, it would be very difficult for you to manage user accounts created by you and your business might get crashed.

Keeping this in mind, you should consider using Web Host Manager (WHM) to make the process easier for you. It is basically a control panel that allows you to access a range of features that make account management as a reseller or host smooth.

In this article, you will learn about what Web Host Manager is, as well as some of its benefits. Let’s ...