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MyHost Academy

What Is VPS? A Beginner’s Guide to Virtual Private Servers

Has it happened? Have you hit the big time?

Are you finding your website struggles to keep up with all that new visitor traffic?

It might be time to upgrade to VPS hosting.

VPS, short for virtual private server, gives your site dedicated resources to perform better than shared hosting.

In this guide, we’ll dive into the ins and outs of VPS hosting. What is it? How does it compare to shared or dedicated hosting? We’ll also look at the factors indicating it may be time to upgrade. To sum up, learn how to choose the best VPS hosting plan for your growing ...

MyHost Academy

Hostim Provides Comprehensive WordPress Migration site

Seconds matter when it comes to websites. When a site loads slowly, I confess I don't hesitate to close the page and move on. I'll be a bit more patient on my desktop computer than on my cell phone, but not by much. It's not called the spinning circle of death for nothing.

It's a safe bet you've done it too. More than half of online customers report they abandon an action when a site bogs down. So what do you do about it

If your WordPress site has hiccups (or major indigestion) all too often, we've created The Quickstart Guide ...

MyHost Academy

Improving Website Performance with LiteSpeed

Seconds matter when it comes to websites. When a site loads slowly, I confess I don't hesitate to close the page and move on. I'll be a bit more patient on my desktop computer than on my cell phone, but not by much. It's not called the spinning circle of death for nothing.

It's a safe bet you've done it too. More than half of online customers report they abandon an action when a site bogs down. So what do you do about it

If your WordPress site has hiccups (or major indigestion) all too often, we've created The Quickstart Guide ...

MyHost Academy

Testing Date Future:Qui recusandae non unde ut.

Qui dolorum aut expedita. Est non ipsam aut velit eveniet omnis sint. Qui tenetur perspiciatis fugiat nostrum. Perspiciatis non omnis alias recusandae architecto.

MyHost Academy

Testing Date Future:Sint minima nulla dignissimos reprehenderit tenetur qui qui.

Odio aspernatur perferendis nisi ipsam atque. Rem assumenda rerum corporis. Inventore quos modi possimus illum ratione.

MyHost Academy

Testing Date Future:Nulla et velit nobis omnis nihil eaque.

Esse numquam hic ullam unde et quidem. Ab velit et voluptatem facere. Fuga architecto consequatur maiores aut pariatur.