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Cloud Computing and Artifical Intelligence

Cloud Computing and Artifical Intelligence

Is cloud computing, plus artificial intelligence really the future of the digital market? Is artificial intelligence that has been explored until now, just the tip of the iceberg?

Well, to answer many of such questions, we went on to research all that AI boom that is set to bring in 2020 and ahead!

So, firstly let's understand what exactly is AI and cloud computing, and why it's going to be an absolute game changer for the digital marketing industry?

In the simplest way, cloud computing can be defined as the collective deliverance of computing services, which are inclusive ...

MyHost Academy

The definitive list of digital products you can sell

Seconds matter when it comes to websites. When a site loads slowly, I confess I don't hesitate to close the page and move on. I'll be a bit more patient on my desktop computer than on my cell phone, but not by much. It's not called the spinning circle of death for nothing.

It's a safe bet you've done it too. More than half of online customers report they abandon an action when a site bogs down. So what do you do about it

If your WordPress site has hiccups (or major indigestion) all too often, we've created The Quickstart Guide ...

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