Data Center Data Center explained in detail by MYHOST of Hosting website experts specializing in web hosting and servers in detail. In this hosting lesson, you will also learn about the importance of data center, its uses, examples of companies that own data center, in addition to the most prominent components of the main data center, and more.
Do you know what a data center is?
In this lesson, which follows the series of lessons on the basics of web hosting, the team explains the MYHOST of Hosting website «Data Center» in detail, its most prominent components, the importance of Data Center, and the different uses of the data center with prominent examples of this.
Sometimes we are confronted with the term “Data Center” or “Data Center” or what is known in English as Data Center, as this term is very common and is considered one of the basic terms in the field of web hosting and hosting websites, forums and blogs on the Internet.
Therefore, we decided in the MYHOST of Hosting to write a full lesson in the web hosting lesson series in order to explain what data center is in detail, its components and importance so that you know more about data center.
We also recommend that you check out the articles and other lessons in the web hosting lessons section of the MYHOSTof Hosting website so that you have a strong knowledge of web hosting and servers.
Data Center, also known as a data center, is a place where Internet servers or servers are housed, and the data center consists of a group of servers connected to the Internet at high speed, which are either used as full servers or divided into VPS servers, shared hosting accounts, or Reseller Hosting.
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What are the most prominent components of a data center?
Since the function of the data center is to house web servers and provide the best working environment for them and their managers, most of its components are mainly related to that purpose.
To build a Data Center, you’ll need most of the following components as well as some other components, hardware, and tools depending on the size and usage of the data center.
The most prominent components of data center
A “building” headquarters with a suitable space to accommodate data center components.
Constant and stable electric current.
Backup generator automatically works if the main power goes off.
A powerful cooling system that maintains the temperature of the servers and the data center as a whole.
Places to house servers with components of «Rack» or network rack etc.
At least one stable high-speed internet connection, preferably more than one super internet connection from more than one provider.
A camera surveillance system and control of access and access to the data center parts according to the person’s permissions.
Web servers or file servers etc. According to the type and nature of the center.
Staff headquarters and a room for control, management and control.
A system of safety, security and protection from fires and emergency problems.
Internal network devices and tools such as routers, switches, cables, firewalls, etc.
And the components are not limited to that, as the data center needs some tools and other components according to its size and the purpose of its creation.
Why is data center important?
The importance of the data center, or what is also known as the “server hangar”, is to provide the appropriate environment for the work of servers from the high-speed Internet and cooling systems to maintain the temperature of the servers without rising in addition to permanent electric current and other important factors such as the structural structure and engineering follow-up of the servers by specialized engineers.
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What is the importance of Data Center?
It became clear from the previous definition of Data Center that it is a group of servers, and therefore the data center is the barn in which Internet servers are housed, and therefore it is the basis of hosting companies, as each major website hosting company has its own data center or more than one, depending on the company itself.
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Is the ownership of the data center limited to hosting companies only?
Of course not, there are major companies such as the giant Google, Facebook, Yahoo, Microsoft, Amazon and other companies that own their own data center and host their data and the data of their users in order to ensure the safety and confidentiality of the data and that no one gets it. Of course, major banks such as Visa have their own data center, which has all Visa card data around the world, balances and passwords, hence the importance of maintaining the integrity and confidentiality of this data and protecting it from hacking.
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