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MYHOST - Hosting solutions

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MyHost Academy

الفرق بين سيرفر VPS والخادم الخاص: كيف تختار أفضل سيرفر؟

على الرغم من أن الاستضافة المشتركة تناسب أغلب المواقع الإلكترونية الصغيرة والمتوسطة إلا أن بعض مواقع الويب تحتاج إلى سيرفر ويب أو إلى بعض مزاياه.. ولذلك نشأت استضافة VPS أو الخوادم الافتراضية الخاصة التي تتضمّن بعض مزايا الخوادم الكاملة وبعض مزايا الاستضافة المشتركة Shared Hosting. لكن متى يحتاج موقعك إلى سيرفر VPS ومتى يحتاج إلى سيرفر ويب خاص Dedicated Web Server؟ هذا ما سيساعدك موقع أفضل ماى هوست على معرفته في هذه الصفحة!
هل ترغب في شراء سيرفر لموقعك أو مشروعك؟
يوجد نوعان رئيسيان من خوادم الويب هما السيرفر الافتراضي الخاص والسيرفر الخاص.. وليس من السهل الاختيار بينهما، لذلك قام ...

MyHost Academy

Drupal vs Joomla: Choose the Best CMS for Your Website

Before starting your website, you need to plan with a clear picture. What you need first is a reliable platform like a CMS (Content management system). The two most popular ones include Drupal and Joomla. Today we will talk about Drupal vs Joomla and which is better.
To choose between which of these two, Drupal or Joomla is the right CMS for your website, look for their features like, Website management, Ease of use, Performance, Customization, Security. When these 5 elements combine, they tell you which is the best of these two for your web needs. Now let’s start with ...

MyHost Academy

Ensure Data Security on Your Storage Server

The need for secure and reliable data storage servers has never been greater. Companies and individuals rely on storage solutions to safeguard critical digital data and ensure smooth operations. Whether it’s a dedicated server or hosting with shared storage space, protecting sensitive information is paramount.
Implementing best data storage practices, such as encryption, backups, and physical security measures, ensures files remain safe and protected. Prioritizing security is essential for building trust with customers and maintaining a competitive edge in the market.

Understanding Storage Servers
A data storage server is a specialized computer system designed to store and manage vast amounts of files. ...

MyHost Academy

What is CDN Content Delivery? Top 4 CDN Service Providers

What does Content Delivery Network [CDN] mean?
A CDN is a network through which content is transmitted and delivered, which is an abbreviation for the term [Content Delivery Network], and it relies on synchronized servers connected to each other through the Internet in multiple regions around the world, providing an updated version of sites or data over the Internet.

Hence, we understand that if the user wants to search for a specific topic, the network provides him with the nearest server or web server close to his geographical location to display the content to him with the fastest response time, especially if the ...

MyHost Academy

What is a Data Center? (Detailed explanation)

Data Center Data Center explained in detail by MYHOST of Hosting website experts specializing in web hosting and servers in detail. In this hosting lesson, you will also learn about the importance of data center, its uses, examples of companies that own data center, in addition to the most prominent components of the main data center, and more.

Do you know what a data center is?
In this lesson, which follows the series of lessons on the basics of web hosting, the team explains the MYHOST of Hosting website «Data Center» in detail, its most prominent components, the importance of Data ...

MyHost Academy

What is a server? Defining the server and explaining the parts and types of servers

Do you want to know what a server is, its types, components and uses? You are in the right place!
All websites and web applications run on computers of a special type called a web server or web server.
In this lesson, you will find an explanation of what a server is and what a Web Server is meant in detail from the team of the MYHOST of Hosting. In this comprehensive explanation, learn about the components of a web server, its different uses, and the types of servers. We will also explain to you how the server works, how it performs its ...

MyHost Academy

How to transfer your WordPress site 100% to another domain name or hosting for free

In this lesson we will learn how to transfer your entire WordPress site to another domain name or hosting  with the click of a button and for free!

We will explain how to transfer it with all its contents, including settings, pages, templates and add-ons to a different domain name or other hosting.
Reasons Why You Want to Move Your Site
There are many reasons why you might want to move your site, maybe you have a problem with your domain name and want to change it to another one.
Or you want to change your hosting, also if you have  installed WordPress on your computer  as ...

MyHost Academy

Get Two Free Domains with Our Web Hosting Plans

The New Year is the time for setting new resolutions and goals. Already started working on your resolution? That’s great!

Some of you might have planned for starting your new business online or maybe taking your existing business online. Here’s a great deal on web hosting for them.

We are offering exclusive deals on our web hosting plans. Now get 2 free domains on our web hosting plans. This includes one .com domain and one .online domain. If you register a .com domain with our web hosting plan, you will get the same version of your domain with a .online extension.
Deals in Details

Deal ...

MyHost Academy

What is WordPress? Learn WordPress and its features from A to Z!

Best Hosting and over 60 million other websites run on WordPress, and statistics say that more than a third of the entire Internet runs on WordPress. In this lesson, we will explain to you in detail what WordPress is, its features, history, types of WordPress sites, what WordPress plugins are and their importance. We will also show you how to create a WordPress site, the difference between WordPress.com and WordPress.org, and more.
Mostly, you hear about WordPress a lot, but you may not know much about it.. But you are not the only one, many people have no idea what ...

MyHost Academy

Web Hosting: What is Hosting and Its Types? (In Detail)

Every website needs a web hosting to be its home. In this lesson, the Best Hosting team will explain to you in detail what web hosting is, its different types, and how hosting works. In addition, we will explain to you how to choose the best web hosting for your project or website easily and at the lowest possible price.
 most important technologies invented by humanity.
It is considered one of the main components of the Internet and without it, there would not be this huge number of websites.
Modern technology has affected many areas, even radically affecting daily habits and routines, ...

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